Submission Form
Family name
First name
Publication status
Publication information

Please add any relevant PMID(s), or if not yet published the relevant journal name and manuscript number

Official Symbol of MCS protein*
Uniprot ID of MCS protein*
Membrane contact sites*
Related Method

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Dear MCSdb Data Contributors,

We are writing to express our heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable contributions to MCSdb, our data sharing platform. Your active involvement and dedication have played a significant role in transforming MCSdb into a comprehensive repository of Membrane Contact Site (MCS) related protein data, sourced from current literature.

As a research team, we understand the importance of collaboration and the power of shared knowledge. Your willingness to contribute MCS protein through our data submission page embodies the true spirit of scientific advancement. Your selfless efforts are paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and fostering a community of researchers committed to the pursuit of knowledge.

We acknowledge that, at this moment, we are unable to provide tangible material rewards for your contributions. However, we firmly believe that the true value of your actions lies in the collective impact they have on scientific progress. By openly sharing data, you are empowering researchers around the world with essential resources to explore new avenues and gain deeper insights into Membrane Contact Sites.

In recognition of your generosity and commitment, we have created a special section on the MCSdb website. This section proudly features the names of all contributors, allowing you the option to be acknowledged publicly or anonymously.

Your dedication to data sharing serves as an inspiration to others in the scientific community. We encourage you to continue your vital work and invite fellow researchers to join this collaborative effort. Together, we can push the boundaries of understanding in the MCS domain, driving transformative changes that benefit humanity.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your contributions to MCSdb. Your willingness to share MCS-related protein data demonstrates a profound commitment to advancing science and accelerating the pace of discovery.

Thank you for being an integral part of MCSdb's success. We look forward to continuing this journey together, as we collectively strive for a deeper understanding of Membrane Contact Sites.

With profound appreciation,

MCS team

Contributor List
Contributor Name Affiliation MCS protein Protein ID Species Membrane contact sites Date In MCSdb

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© Department of Bioinformatics