"All things are mutually woven together and therefore have an affinity for each other" — Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.

Membrane contact site (MCS) is defined as an area of close apposition (from 10 to 80 nm) between the membranes of two organelles that are physically connected via proteinaceous tethers but do not fuse, which play a key role in coordinating cellular inter-organelle interaction and communication. Herein, we developed MCSdb, a manually curated database of experimentally supported MCS proteins and complexes from publications. The current version of MCSdb documents approximately 7,000 manually curated MCS protein entries with experimental evidence, involving 24 organelles and 44 MCSs across 11 species. In summary, MCSdb provides a convenient and user-friendly interface for querying, manipulating, browsing and visualizing detailed information about these proteins and complexes residing in MCSs and will greatly promote MCS structural and functional research and interorganelle communication deciphering.

Please cite us: MCSdb, a database of proteins residing in membrane contact sites, Scientific Data, 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41597-024-03104-7

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Updated information

Version: Description: Date:
Projected for Version 1.6 The detail page has been updated to include confidence score, and hyperlinks to the original versions have been added for the modified entries. 02.2024
Version 1.5 Obsolete contents and an obsolete list page were added to the website. Protein name and related protein results were added to the detail page. 01.2024
Version 1.4 37 protein entries and 22 complex entries were added, while 80 protein entries and 32 complex entries were deleted. The data underwent a comprehensive review to correct any associated errors. 09.2023
Version 1.3 Periodic update of data and development of an MCS prediction tool on the website. 02.2023
Version 1.2 Added 464 new MCS protein entries and conducted a thorough review of all data to ensure its veracity and reliability. 08.2022
Version 1.1 The MCSdb transitioned into its fully operational phase, and the complex page was added. 05.2022
Version 1.0 The initial version of the MCSdb website has been launched. 04.2022